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19.05.2020 (Tuesday)

The classical double copy

Regular Seminar Chris White (Queen Mary, University of London)

13:30 IC
room online - instructions in abstract

Non-abelian gauge theories underly particle physics, including collision processes at particle accelerators. Recently, quantum scattering probabilities in gauge theories have been shown to be closely related to their counterparts in gravity theories, by the so-called "double copy". This suggests a deep relationship between two very different areas of physics, and may lead to new insights into quantum gravity, as well as novel new computational methods. This talk will review the double copy for amplitudes, before discussing how it may be extended to describe exact classical solutions such as black holes. I will then look at recent work which aims to generalise the double copy yet further, and conclude with an outlook of current open problems. ----- Follow the usual link or contact the organisers (Antoine Bourget and Edoardo Vescovi). Student introduction at 13:00.

29.11.2017 (Wednesday)

The classical double copy

Regular Seminar Christopher White (QMUL)

13:15 KCL
room K4.31

Non-abelian gauge theories underlie particle physics, including collision processes at particle accelerators. Recently, quantum scattering probabilities in gauge theories have been shown to be closely related to their counterparts in gravity theories, by the so-called double copy. This suggests a deep relationship between two very different areas of physics, and may lead to new insights into quantum gravity, as well as novel computational methods. This talk will review the double copy for amplitudes, before discussing how it may be extended to describe exact classical solutions such as black holes. Finally, I will discuss hints that the double copy may extend beyond perturbation theory.

02.10.2014 (Thursday)

From gluons to gravitons in the soft limit

Regular Seminar Chris White (Glasgow)

14:00 QMW
room G.O. Jones 610

It is well-known that infrared singularities arise in scattering amplitudes due to the emission of soft (low energy) gluons and / or gravitons. These are important for collider predictions, but also give us all-order insights into perturbation theory. This talk will review a number of recent developments in this area, such as: the structure of IR singularities in multiparton scattering amplitudes; the relationship between Yang-Mills theory and gravity in the soft limit; the classification of amplitudes beyond the soft approximation.